A 5 x 4 unit is the size of a small hallway closet or coat closet. It has 20 sq ft of self-storage space. This space is perfect for outdoor gear, seasonal decor or items and several small to medium size boxes.
A 5 x 4 unit is the size of a small hallway closet or coat closet. It has 20 sq ft of self-storage space. This space is perfect for outdoor gear, seasonal decor or items and several small to medium size boxes.
A 5x10 storage unit is the size of a small walk-in closet. It will fit the furnishings of a mid-sized bedroom, including a queen size mattress, dresser, television and several small to medium size boxes. Perfect for your ski gear, bikes, a kayak too!
This discount lasts until 1/31/2025 12:00AM
A 5x10 storage unit is the size of a small walk-in closet. It will fit the furnishings of a mid-sized bedroom, including a queen size mattress, dresser, television and several small to medium size boxes. Perfect for your ski gear, bikes, a kayak too!
A 10x10 storage unit is the size of half of one garage bay. It will fit the contents of a living room or two bedrooms, including several small to medium size boxes.
A 10x10 storage unit is the size of half of one garage bay. It will fit the contents of a living room or two bedrooms, including several small to medium size boxes.
A 10 x 14 Leadville Storage unit is a little smaller than one garage bay. It will fit the contents of three bedrooms and larger items such as couches, tables and TVs. It's too small to store a vehicle, but you can fit nearly everything else!
A 10 x 14 Leadville Storage unit is a little smaller than one garage bay. It will fit the contents of three bedrooms and larger items such as couches, tables and TVs. It's too small to store a vehicle, but you can fit nearly everything else!
A 10x20 Leadville Storage unit is the size of a standard garage bay. It will fit the contents of a mid size house, including several oversized items like a couch, a refrigerator, a washer/dryer and a dining room set or several large boxes.
A 10x20 Leadville Storage unit is the size of a standard garage bay. It will fit the contents of a mid size house, including several oversized items like a couch, a refrigerator, a washer/dryer and a dining room set or several large boxes.
Leadville Storage's 10x24 units are a bit larger than a one car garage. It will fit the contents of a fully furnished 3 bedroom house, including oversized items such as a couch, mattress sets, a dresser, a refrigerator, a washer/dryer, a dining room set, an entertainment center and several large boxes.
Leadville Storage's 10x24 units are a bit larger than a one car garage. It will fit the contents of a fully furnished 3 bedroom house, including oversized items such as a couch, mattress sets, a dresser, a refrigerator, a washer/dryer, a dining room set, an entertainment center and several large boxes.